Friday, January 3, 2020

Is there Hope


I find that it is easy to think there is little hope for the World or the Church. It is easy to think the bad guys are getting away with it...whatever "it" maybe. As I read the Scriptures tonight I was reminded they do not get away with anything. Good wins, evil is punished. God will not be mocked. It does not always seem that way. When I was a teacher it would often seem the "bad ones" were getting away with something. They seemed to go unpunished uncorrected. Yet I know better. Part of there punishment was there own doing, that of ignorance for not paying attention. They would be punished of course through different means, means other students may not see. I am sure some of the students thought nothing was done to them because they did not see the punishment happen. how often have I felt that way as I look at the Church leaders, the Pope, of the world? Yet scripture tells us God will have his day he will have his vengeance. Let us not fall into despair nor allow ourselves to get too prideful because our own sins cry for vengeance as well.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Is Actor Kevin James a Tradie Catholic? And Scott Hahn?

These photos were taken from Scott Hahn's FB page: "A wonderful time on retreat for three days (Dec. 10-12) with Fr. Chad Ripperger, Kevin James, Skylar Testa, Fr. Justin Ramos, and Leo Severino. Great talks, conversations, meals, and even a mini-workout in KJ’s home gym!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sean Hannity Abandons His Catholic Faith (Ep 31)

Conservative talk show host and celebrity Sean Hannity says he has left the Catholic Church over what he says is 'institutionalized corruption'. Frank and Neil have a few thoughts on Mr. Hannity's abandonment of Holy Mother Church.

Religious Indifference and the Collapse of the Family (Ep. 30)

Frank and Neil do a part two on religious indifference, as tonight we shift gears from the culture and focus on how this concept hits even closer to home and destroys the family.

Religious Indifference and the Collapse of Culture (Ep. 29)

Religious Indifference is our topic tonight on the Knights of Christendom, as we take on the adverse effects of a modernist idea presented to bring about peace and unity, but its consequences can be argued have actually brought about the destruction of our civilization. Join Frank and Neil tonight as we break it all down.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Papal Critique in a Time of Crisis (Ep 28)

Tonight Frank and Neil tackle the question of whether a faithful Catholic layperson can criticize the Holy Father, especially in a time of apostasy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Game that are NOT ok to play (Show notes)

Top 10 NOT O.K to play

Grand Theft Auto

This game should be taken off the market, but we live in a society based on the license to do anything. Such as this game where you can buy a prostitute, engage in sex with her (in every sense of the word “pornographic”), and then beat her to death. There are many other crimes one can happily engage in. this is not a safe title in any sense.


Any of the horror games will not be a wise choice. Resident Evil, Zombie army, Moons of madness, Dead space, and five nights at Freddie's All are of the horror genre and will cause nightmares and desensitization to extreme violence.


As I said in one of my videos fortnight may be ok for some but what I have seen in my family members is borderline addiction symptoms. I would not want my kids playing this one due to that alone. In fairness this can happen with any game that is not regulated. I have seen it happen quickly with this one and have heard from others stating the same thing.

Call of duty/Battlefield

I would not recommend this for younger players. For CoD it is similar to a fortnight with the addictiveness it has on younger players. BattleField is a war simulator in a lot of ways. It can be very intense, too intense for the young. It may cause them to take the idea of killing way to lightly. It has as one would expect wartime violence.

Red Dead Redemption

This is a western and as one might expect is not for the young. It is an open world were many forms of violence can happen. This is similar to Grand Theft Auto in that you do whatever you want.


This is a new game and falls under survival. The issue with this one is that it shows humans evolving from apes. While the concept sounds fun I would not want my young ones learning this from a game especially when this idea will not be left to the game but be reinforced by teachers and other playmates as a reality when it is false.


This game is not for the young for one because it is known for its extreme difficulty but also its violence and pagan ideas that run throughout.


Doom is about opening a portal to hell on mars and then you take on the roll of a marine bent on killing all the spawn of hell. This is way too bloody and violent for any young gamer. It has many scenes of horror so the younger ones will have nightmares. Also, it desensitizes the young to the demonic and makes it nothing more than a silly game.

The Last of Us part II

This game looks fun to play and is a continuation of a previous story. I would label this game action horror as you fight infected zombie-like humans as well as other uninfected. Aside form that this story pushes the LGBT agenda as the main character is a lesbian. My children would not be allowed to touch this with a 10-foot pole.

Assassins Creed/Dark devotion

I Placed these two together for one reason: Templars and the Church. Ok, two reasons. Both games tear down the Templars which was a real Order of Knights that served the Church. Both also call God and religion into question as well. This is not to mention the open-world violence in the game. In Assassin's Creed, you stalk and assassinate templars who serve an evil Church.

Top 10 Games that are OK to play (show notes)

Top 10 Games that are O.K to play

Lord of the Rings

Any of the games is pretty safe. They have some violence so use your judgment. Lord of the Rings Online is free to play and is similar to World of Warcraft.


Zelda does have some pagan themes in its story but is mostly safe. Its violence tends to be cartoonish so there is little concern there.

Mario Kart

Unless you think hitting over drivers with turtle shells is a line you simply can't cross this is possibly the safest game to play and is fun for everyone.

Mario Party

If you think you are seeing a pattern, you are correct. Nintendo tends to be family-friendly. Mario Party is no exception to that. It is a virtual board game and is great for having many players.

Any Lego game

Lego Star Wars and any other Lego game are surprisingly fun. They look as though they are for young kids but can appeal to any age group.

Sports games

They are generally safe as far as languages or bad messaging.


The batman games (Arkham series) are violent and have some mild language but they are pretty free of any bad messaging. You are not going to get lessons in paganism.

Star Wars

The games I have seen have been pretty good. They do not go too in-depth with the eastern pagan force stuff and rather focus on the action. So I don't see too many issues with teens. This may change though with future games.


Another Nintendo title. This is a shooter but it is with ink. The main characters are octopus people, fighting over inking as much as possible. This is a safe title.


MEGAMAN is all about killing robots to save mankind. It's a classic and is always fun.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Unite the Clans


I love that phrase. "Unite the clans".  I love it because a "clan" is a term that refers to a family. When it comes to the different ideas and approaches within the faithful catholic community I think family is a good term to use. The term also refers to the fact that we are not united and we should be. We may be united on doctrinal issues (mostly) but their remains allot of infighting. The fighting needs to come to an end and unite behind a cause. That cause is restoring the church, restoring the old world, restoring what we have forgotten; the truth and superiority of the roman catholic church. The Church is in crisis and the leaders of the Church are not helping or are even the cause of the chaos. The laity must unite and shine light into the darkness. We must hold to tradition in these days of darkness, and unit the family, unite the clans.      

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Political Ignorance

We, The Knights Of Christendom, have noticed many seem to not understand where we stand on politics. Some have even un-subbed as a result which is a shame because I believe they are simply ignorant of our political stance. In response, we have decided to do a live show and attempt to explain our stance in no uncertain terms. I will also make my own video as well. So stay tuned for that to come very soon. 

In the meantime allow me to say this: we in no way are with the left, nor do we blindly follow anything the right says or does. We are not libertarians which are really not better than either of the above. 

We are followers of Christendom. We believe in the social Kingship of Jesus. We believe in a catholic moral society. We believe in a Catholic confessional state. We also believe the right, also known as conservatives and Classical liberals, has given birth to the evil that is the left. 

Our criticisms of the right are based on there enabling of the left. The right holds freedom up as a god which is in reality license. It is this license that has led to all the evils of the left that is so prevalent in American society. 

If we are to pick a side in the American political society we are most closely aligned to Classical Liberal policies. Please tune in to our upcoming shows for even more clarity.

-Sir Hammer

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Film Review: Luther and the Protestant Revolution (2017)

On today's podcast I do a film review of a Polish documentary that was released in 2017 that gives the real story of Martin Luther and the revolution that adversely altered the entire course of western civilization. Polish filmmaker Grzegorz Braun directed the film entitled 'Luter i Rewolucja Protestancka' (Luther and the Protestant Revolution) which was recently released in the English language, and can now be viewed online now. The documentary highlights a historical understanding of this controversial historical figure and event that has been denied in many western intellectual circles, because its relevance to undermining many of the post-modern revolutionary ideas, that now reveal the grand miscalculations of those that promoted the concept of destroying Christendom. I give my take on the film, as I highlight some of the more important ideas conveyed in the documentary, and how its relevance plays out in salvation history.

Here is an original link to the Church militant promo on the documentary:

Here is the Church Militant link to the English version of the documentary:

Here is where you can watch the documentary for $5 on Vimeo:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Breaking News: Free Masonic Infiltrators Confirmed By Bishop Schneider

The Knights Of Christendom have been highlighting Freemasonic infiltration into the Catholic Church for the past six months. Today, Michael Matt of the Remnant has released an interview with

Bishop Schneider, in which the good Bishop CONFIRMS the crisis in the Church is due to Freemasonic infiltration:

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tim Gordon/Trent Horn Debate Social Media Buzz

Making its way around the internet is this debate discussion between Traditionalist apologist Tim Gordon and Neo-Con Catholic Conservative Trent Horn of Catholic Answers. My attempt here is to highlight the discussion and give our audience all the necessary information and links to join in on this social media story that is making its rounds.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Satanic Left Introduces Abortion Vans to Counter Trump

The Left's response to the cuts in federal funding for abortions has been to try and cut expenditures by making the demonic practice of murdering the unborn more cost effective.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cardinal Stumps For Women Cardinals

Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich wants women to become "deacons" and "cardinals," he told La NaciĆ³n (October 24). He believes that women should be involved in electing popes as if the pope were some kind of representative of the people.

Monday, October 28, 2019

SSPX Condemns Amazon Synod Document

Mobile Abortion Vans on the Go in California!

This is my point about abortion, for all the small victories by the prolifers, the Progressive siblings of the Right counter with something more extreme. The Classical Liberal Right has failed in its 250 year reign, and abortion is their great shame that they have allowed to exist in their godless Utopia that is now collapsing on a daily basis. The baby butcher factories are running at full capacity in America!