Tuesday, September 24, 2019

America and the Old Catholic World (Ep. 10)

What are America's good points? What are the bad points? On tonight's episode of the Knights of Christendom, we have a serious discussion of the ill effects of modernity within America, and how there are so few answers at this point in history. Particularly, answers that should be given by those Classical Liberals whose revolutions are responsible for the current state of affairs. The ever shifting cultural paradigm has proven two things. The first is that we are a nation drowning in a state of moral depravity, and secondly, those that sold us this ideology of revolution are the first ones to wave the white flag, as families are being destroyed at a pace never heard of before throughout the West. We also highlight our thoughts on some of the basic values of modernity, while taking into account some fundamental principles of post-Enlightenment ideology, based on the modern concept of a Christ-less "liberty." Frank, Anthony and Neil look at the modern world and highlight the good, the bad and the ugly.

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