Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Catholicism and Americanism (Ep. 11)

Tonight on the Knights of Christendom we discuss Catholicism in America, and what everyday implications may mean in a culture that appears to be morally deteriorating on a daily basis. There has been a discussion in recent years among Catholics scholars on the contradicting values of One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and some of the Enlightenment ideas of America. In most recent years many of the laity have been called upon to question the sins of their church, however can a true Catholic uphold that same standard of morality for his/her country in a time where political correctness seems to be sweeping the culture from both the political Left and the Right? Frank, Anthony and Neil do a masterful job of balancing the relation between the love of country, and the true fidelity to the faith. You don't want to miss this episode!

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