Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Glen Beck, Freemasonry and The French Revolution (Ep 7)

Episode 7 of the Knights of Christendom is packed with information everyone should know about the French Revolution & includes a break down of a transcript included below from Glen Beck's podcast with Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

Why is the TRUTH about the French Revolution not presented in the MSM, public education, or even many Catholic educational settings? Glen Beck recently defended Thomas Paine, and his stance against the Catholic Church in France. Did Beck really mean that we should separate our Church from our God? What are the implications of separating the Catholic Church from the state? Is France better today, or worse? What were the implications of forming the U.S. government without the Kingship of Jesus Christ, or a Confessional State? Join Frank, Neil, and Anthony as they discuss some of these profound questions from a uniquely Traditional Catholic & American perspective.

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